Be wary of the publication ( circulating in the media ( about masks being as effective as stay at home orders. The modeling uses specious metrics for cloth mask performance that completely undercuts their thesis; they model mask efficiency at reducing transmission by 70% AND infection by 70%, and then say that's conservative because they aren't modeling N95 mask efficiency. Cloth masks are ~10-50% effective at stopping droplets, and ~0% effective against aerosols and droplet nuclei, on the transmission side ( Further, even OSHA recognizes that cloth masks are ineffective in protecting the wearer from others and so don't regulate cloth masks as PPE (, and public health messaging is "I wear a mask to protect you. You wear a mask to protect me." for a reason so 70% for the inhalation side is untenable. Then there's the fact that the masks do catch some of the virus containing droplets, keep them warm and moist, and happy. Without hand washing/sanitizing both before and after touching or adjusting a mask, mask wearing could be increasing touch contact fomite transmission. Then you get into the sense that masks provide a false sense of security. Given how little protection they provide, that's a real issue. Social distancing and hand washing are big keys in fighting this thing. Don't get me wrong, though, I wear a mask out in public. The little they do is important. You just probably haven't seen me in public with a mask because I'm also staying home as much as possible, because that's so incredibly important too.